Monday 25 July 2011

Doctor Who: NEW! Season 6 Episodes 8-13 Trailer, Promo Image and Episode details!

Well we're being properly spoiled today with not only a full-on incredible trailer for the second half of season 6 - which is to be aired here in the UK on the 27th August - but a new promo image has also been released featuring a wardrobe change for the Doctor!
Going for an Egyptian theme, River joins companions Amy and Rory near a pyramid alongside not only the Doctor sporting a new coat but the Silence and the Impossible Astronaut. This suggests that they will be prominent for the rest of the series.And taking a look at the newly released trailer last night the Silence aren't the only ones to be returning - the Cyberman and the Weeping Angels are also shown along with a heap of other new aliens too. 

If the rumours are true there is only about a month to go until we find out more with Episode 8 Let's Kill Hitler kicking off the second half of the season. 
The synopsis of the episode is: 'In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in 1930s Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler. The Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities - and in so doing, learns a harsh lesson in the cruellest warfare of all.'

The rest of the episode titles and their details have been released via Doctor Who Online and are as follows: 

Episode 9 - Night Terrors
Mark Gatiss has previously written spooky episodes including The Unquiet Dead and The Idiot's Lantern, but he promises that Night Terrors features some of the scariest moments he's ever dreamt up! The adventure has a modern day setting and features a little boy who has a fear of something... Can the Doctor help him?

Episode 10 - The Girl Who Waited
Tom MacRae's previous credits include The Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel plus the critically acclaimed The Crash of the Elysium. This is his first television adventure for the Eleventh Doctor and it's directed by Nick Hurran who was recently at the helm for the updated version of the cult classic, The Prisoner.

Episode 11 - The God Complex
We know the adventure is set in a hotel and features an alien called Gibbis played by David Walliams. Again, the episode is directed by Nick Hurran and as writer Toby Whithouse was behind School Reunion and The Vampires of Venice, we know we've got something special to look forward to!

Episode 12
Craig Owens is back! The popular character from last year's The Lodger returns and judging from the trailer for eps 8-13 he's getting closer than ever to the Doctor! The adventure is written by Gareth Roberts whose credits include Attack of the Graske, The Unicorn and the Wasp and, of course, The Lodger.

Episode 13
The big finale! This one remains shrouded in mystery but Karen Gillan has promised us that the series will contain 'possibly the biggest twist so far'... Is it possible that this is the adventure that delivers it? Steven Moffat penned last year's incredible finale but it's probable that this adventure will conclude the series with a bigger bang than ever

Which episode are you most looking forward to? (I know I am dying for The God Complex!)
And what do you think of the Doctor's new coat?

1 comment:

  1. I'm just hoping and praying that the series finale is a proper story with a coherent plot and not just a load of cameo appearances of enemies crowbarred into the plot and a weak ending where the whole 'peril' is neatly sewn up in 30 seconds and everything is reversed back to normal - basically the last few series endings! ....and please do the Cybermen justice and make them a real threat again instead of one dimensional cannon fodder.


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