Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Valentine's Day

UK Release: 12th February 2010
Watched on LoveFilm Instant: Thursday 7th June 2012
Rating: 12A
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 2hrs 5mins
Tagline: From the director of Pretty Woman comes a day in the life of love.
IMDb Plot Synopsis: More than a dozen Angelenos navigate Valentine's Day from early morning until midnight. Three couples awake together, but each relationship will sputter; are any worth saving? A grade-school boy wants flowers for his first true love; two high school seniors plan first-time sex at noon; a TV sports reporter gets the assignment to find romance in LA; a star quarterback contemplates his future; two strangers meet on a plane; grandparents, together for years, face a crisis; and, an "I Hate Valentine's Day" dinner beckons the lonely and the lied to. Can Cupid finish his work by midnight?

A Quick Review: Feeling in need of some comfort and escapism during revision I sat down to watch this, well in the knowledge that it would be some mushy fun. And it does exactly what it says on the tin.
Managing to pack in an awful lot of ‘stars’ and story lines; naturally many don’t really come into full fruition and you're leaving a little cold by some of them. However Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Garner’s story is the ‘lead’ story and it is definitely the most compelling from the start and one of the few likeable characters. There are depictions of many generations from the kid trying to buy some flowers for his ‘sweetheart’ to the older couple who find out an explosive secret about their relationship all bases are covered and so the credibility does wear thin. 
Yet their lives are all seemingly intwined and with the little twist at the end, the film did it’s job - putting a soppy smile on your face. 
Essentially it's a poor man's Love Actually with much less heart but it's still a reasonable rom-com for a thursday evening.
Score: 6.5/10

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