Sunday, 12 February 2012

Snow Patrol at the O2

The lack of posting yesterday was due to a good reason: travelling all day and then watching Snow Patrol play at the O2! I had the time of my life and it has reaffirmed Snow Patrol as my-favourite-band-of-all-time! 
We missed the first supporting act which were called 'Plastic Rose' but managed to catch Everything Everything's set which were lively and got the crowd warmed up well!
We were on the upper tier with seats that were packed in so little room to dance but when Gary suggested to the audience to get on out of our seats I took advantage of this and stayed standing up for the rest of the show. 
I was surprised at how many 'oldies' they played considering this is a tour for the new album. Thinking about it now I think they played about 6 songs (out of 14) off of Fallen Empires - mostly singles. I loved that they played not only classics such as Run and Chasing Cars but also Make This Go On Forever, You're All I Have, Crack The Shutters and Just Say Yes that are less well-known but 'classics' to the fans.
All in all it was a fantastic night out and has left more than a few of their songs ringing my ears including their single which is out at the moment...

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